Nivethika Ajeethan
  • Microbiology
  • Biotechnology
  • Plant growth promoting microbes, microbiomes
  • Basic Biology
  • General Microbiology
  • Biotechnology
  • Principal and Practices of Organic Farming
  • Floricultural Technology


  1. Ajeethan, N. and Mikunthan, G. (2016). A Simple Bio-preservation Technique to Increase Shelf Life of Ampalavi Mango Fruits Using Aloe vera Gel. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, volume 6 (6), p 424-429.
  2. Nivethika, A., and Mikunthan, G. (2016). In-vitro assessment of antifungal activity of Aloe vera leaf powder extracts against banana pseudostem rot fungi, Marasmiellus spp. Journal of Dry zone Agriculture, volume 2 (1), p 19-24.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Nivethika, A. Yurgel,S. (2021, June). Metagenomic study of the plant selective pressure to shape root-associated microbiome in apple orchard. 70th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM 2021), Saskatchewan, Canada.
  2. Nivethika, A. Yurgel,S. (2020, August). Potential flavin secreting endophytic bacteria of apple (Malus domestica) roots and their effect on plant growth promotion. 1st Canadian Society for Horticultural Sciences (CSHS) Graduate Student Conference.
  3. Nivethika, A. Sukirtha.S, Sinthuja. K, Rajeetha . J and Sivakanthan. S. (2019, July). Potential antibacterial activity of Syzygium cumini leaf extract against Escherichia coli spp., 26th Annual session of Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
  4. Nivethika, A. Sukirtha.S, Sinthuja. K, Rajeetha . J and Sivakanthan. S. (2018, December). The effect of solvent and duration of extraction on the efficacy of extraction of anthocyanins from Syzygium cumini fruits from the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products XVI, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  5. Nivethika, A., and Gunasingham, M. (2017, August). In-vitro study on colony growth pattern of Banana Pseudostem rot fungi, Marasmiellus spp with A.vera leaf powder extracts. Agriculture and Forestry, 4th International Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  6. Nivethika, V. and Mikunthan, G. (2015, December). In-vitro assessment of Aloe vera gel as a bio preservative of Karuththakolumban mango fruits. 3rd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  7. Nivethika, V. and Mikunthan, G. (2015, November). Evaluation of Aloe vera herbal leaf gel as a bio preservative of Ampalavi mango.Peradeniya. University International Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
  8. Nivethika, V. and Mikunthan, G. (2015, October).Determination of antifungal activity of A.vera leaf powder extracts against banana pseudostem rot fungi, Marasmiellus spp. International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
  9. Nivethika, V. and Mikunthan, G. (2015, June). In-vitro Assessment of Aloe vera gel as a bio preservative of papaya fruits. Agriculture and Forestry, 2nd Annual International Conferences, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  1. Late Dr & Mrs. C. Jeyaratnam memorial gold medal for having obtained the highest Overall GPA among the students specialized in Agricultural Biology in the award of Degree in Agriculture for the academic year 2012.
  2. Ratnam Reginold Dharmaratnam memorial prize for the best overall performance in Agriculture for the academic year 2012.
  3. Thillainayaki Kanagasabapathy Scholarship for having obtained the highest Overall GPA at the Second examination in Agriculture for the academic year 2010.
  4. University Prize for the best performance in the second examination in Agriculture for the year 2010.
  5. University Prize for the best performance in the first examination in Agriculture for the academic year 2009.
  6. World Bank sponsored Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) competitive scholarship 2019.
  • Membership, International Society for Horticultural Science January 2020 To date
  • Membership, Canadian society of microbiologist (CSM) January 2021- To date
  • Membership, Canadian society of Horticulture (CSHS) January 2020  To date
  • Life Member of Jaffna Science Association (JSA). January 2019  To date
  • Membership, Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology (SSM). June 2018 To date
  • Life Member of Science and Technology Management Information System, Sri Lanka October2018 To date
  • Life Member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) October 2017  To date